Who are Woodchurch Players?
There has been a drama group in Woodchurch since the 1960s. Firstly there was WADS, (Woodchurch Amateur Drama Society), then the ladies of ‘The Wednesday Club’ resurrected the pantomime, which led to the formation of our present group.
In January, we put on our very popular pantomime, followed by a three act play in May and a production in October, which most recently, has comprised of short dramas or one act plays. We are pleased to have children and young adults as part of our membership. Whilst the pantomime is key to this, we are mindful of giving them opportunities to develop their performance and technical skills in our other productions too whenever it is possible.
Our connections with other local amateur theatre groups in Tenterden, Ashford and Cranbrook are very strong. Between us we provide mutual support with advertising, lend props and costumes and provide wider opportunities for local actors. Our last drama – ‘Dancing at Lughnasa’ – had a cast, who between them, are also members of those three other groups!
Every year we acknowledge the time and talents within our membership with our President’s Award. This is a rather nice shield which then has the names of the ‘winners’ engraved on it! On a wider scale, we belong to the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA), who provide support to amateur theatre. In addition to receiving excellent reviews for our productions from them, we were also awarded a Certificate of Excellence for our 2015 pantomime ‘Treasure Island’! Since then we have also been awarded NODA’s Drama Accolades for our productions of ‘A Matter of Life and Death’ and ‘One Man, Two Guvnors’. We are also members of the Kent Drama Association (KDA), who have a similar role on a local scale. We have entered their Full Length Play Festival twice and have received nominations and awards for our set design, sound and lighting.
So – drama is thriving in Woodchurch! Join us, whether backstage or front of house, creating costumes or acting! In return, you will receive a regular newsletter full of our latest news and information, advance notice of ticket availability and in December, our ‘Members’ Evening’, an evening of entertainment exclusively for the members to thank them for their ongoing support.